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Welcome to the Security and credits section of the NRSD Majesty. Here you will find the names of the people whom credit needs to be given. As well as the copyrights©, trademarks™ for Defender Squadron. If you have any question about the copyrights© and trademarks™s, please contact me .

Web codes: (html, htm, shtml, cgi, ect.):The following people are credited for their work on web codes:

  1. raVen: head webmaster and creator of the Defender webpage
  2. Kat: head creator and master of Cgi codes (i.e. Defender Web board)
  3. Goznik: for help with frame coding as well as general trouble shooting
  4. Graphics that we made, are made by-Kat, Blackjack

Graphics and Original works:

  1. Most Graphics whether jpg, jpeg.4, gifs, bmp are made and copyright© to Defender Squadron. Those images that are not are from the Star Wars 3d Modeling Alliance, I tried to get in contact with each and every creator of these works of art by e-mail. Those whom did not get an e-mail from me please contact me....I am not stealing your work!
  2. PoVs or Point of View Stories are all copyrights© of Defender Squadron, any and all likeness no matter how close is purely a coincidentence, whether living/still around or dead/not around.
  3. All missions for JK, MotS, XvT, XA, SW:TPM, ect are posted with in the guidelines of their creators. However do not use one of Defender's mission and call it yours-once again to are work we have copyrights© to Defender Squadron.
  4. All Html codes are original from the web slaves up above and they to are copyrights© of Defender Squadron.

General Legal Information:

  1. Thought both the Internet by-laws and geocities, grants me copyright© over all files found on this webpage that were created my be or the person(s) that have given me permission to use.
  2. Any break in this law is punishable through the law, booth here in the US and in the international courts.