Star Wars: ECHOES OF THE PAST PART IV By JEK VEROON 21 YEARS AFTER THE TRUCE AT BAKURA... CHAPTER 15: "We've already had three firefights break out in the past hour." sang Lieutenant Z'kin. The Yuzzum waved his wiry arms. "The Red Syndicate and the Corporate Sector ships are the worst. They keep jockeying for a position closer to the planet, and the Bothans try and stop them. Also, several hypermines have materialized in the past hour, damaging the Corvette Lion and the Frigate Granite." Wedge frowned at the tall Yuzzum. "Thank you, Lieutenant. Begin repairs on the damaged ships. When will reinforcements arrive?" "Admiral Ackbar will arrive in sixteen hours, but thirteen patrol-boats will arrive in two hours." sang Z'kin. "Thank you, you are dismissed." The Yuzzum bowed, and left. Wedge turned to Luke. "Luke, please take control of the fleet until Ackbar gets here!" Luke shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Wedge. This is your battle." Wedge grimaced, and turned to Captain Yutir. "Move us in a litle closer to the Shadow Fleet. I'm betting they laid those hypermines." "Yes sir." "I wish those Bothans would lower the shield for us." said Wedge. Luke frowned. "I don't think that shield's being run by the Bothans." "What do you mean?" Wedge sipped some Corellian Whiskey. "I mean I don't feel any Bothans below. I only feel Human minds." said Luke. "Who do you think's running the show?" asked Wedge in alarm. "If it's not the Bothans..." "The Empire... clones." said Luke. "Damn, I should've known!" Wedge kicked a chair, and it groaned on it's base. "Leave it to Palpatine to plan this." "We'll have to hope Jek and Corran can make it." "I'm starting to worry." said Wedge. "Luke, I don't want to write a letter to Mirax about her husband's death. I've lost too many friends already." "I know, Wedge. I know." * * * * Colonel Furlong looked at his chronometer, and frowned. "The Clone Remnants are three hours behind schedule." said Captain Mollon, voicing Furlong's concerns. "We're getting near the deadline." "I know, Captain." said Furlong. He pointed at a screen. "Admiral Thrawn never studied General Antilles in depth." "Does that suprise you?" "Yes." said Furlong. "Thrawn usually was more thorough than that. So far, with Thrawn's notes, I've been able to go up against most of the Rebels key players. But Antilles eludes me. Perhaps he eluded Thrawn as well." "That will not really matter soon, will it?" asked Mollon. "With Thrawn's clone?" "What if we must fight Antilles before then?" "We will survive somehow." replied Mollon. "Antilles is Corellian, yet acts most un-corellian. He doesn't use the tactics of any of the old Master-Generals, or any of the current fleet commander's tactics. And his tactics at Corellia several years ago..." Furlong ignored Mollon a moment. "He has never quite gotten past his love of piloting, though... the A-wing slash." "Pardon me?" "His most likely tactic will be the A-wing slash. Large ships distract the enemy long enough for smaller ships to launch warheads. Yes, he depends most on starfighters..." Furlong smiled to himself. "I'm most proud of that deduction. I'll be equal to Thrawn in no time." "With all respect, I doubt it." said Mollon. "Vader would have torn out your throat for that," said Furlong, after staring at Mollon a long time. "feel lucky I won't." * * * * "Should we try for one of those scout walkers?" asked Benja. "Naw." said Jek. "Too messy. Let's try for some speeders." Corran glanced through his binocs. "I can see a couple swoops near the lateral vent-line." "That'll do." said Jek. He strained his eyes. "You mean the ones near the vent for the underground complex?" "Vent?" Corran looked to the left, and could indeed see a vent with air rising from it. "That might be our way in." "No Swoops?" asked Benja. Jek pulled his lightsaber out of his robes and clipped it onto his belt. "No swoops." CHAPTER 16: The warm air tugged at Jek's long brown robe, causing it to flutter a bit. "When did you start wearing Jedi brown?" asked Benja to Jek. "When I started wearing cortosis fiber armor underneath." said Jek, kneeling on the vent's grate. "Cortosis fiber?" Benja grimaced. "I've never heard of it." "It's fairly useless, except for one thing." Corran took out his lightsaber, lighting it. "It shorts out lightsabers." Jek moved out of the way. "Quickly, please. The patrol comes by in less than two minutes." "Right." Corran grunted, heaving his lightsaber two ways, slashing a large hole in the grate. "There you go." Jek waved at Benja. "Ladies first." Benja smiled. "I'll pass." Corran shook his head, then dropped through the vent. He tumbled into a dank and moldy room, darkened because of a burnt-out lamp filament above. He quickly swept his blaster pistol across the room, looking for movement. "C'mon," whispered Corran. "It's clear." Benja tumbled down next, followed by Jek. Benja adjusted the long black hooded robe she had been wearing, and pulled the poncho over her head. Jek glanced around a few times. "How old is this place? Outside it looks new, inside it's like a Hutt's stomach." Corran shrugged. "Not much use for this room, except for breaking in." Jek shook off his robe, and crawled forward into a crawlspace. "Let's go. And keep it quiet - these ventilator shafts carry alot of sound." * * * * * They continued on for several minutes, only stopping when they heard voices along the shaft. Jek went first, followed by Benja, with Corran in the rear. The shaft was suprisingly damp for a rocky, warm world with no vegetation, but they ignored the sweat that dripped on their brows. Jek wiped the sweat onto his sleeve again, which did no good because his sleeve was damp from sweat as well. He cursed silently, then stopped. "Voices." he mouthed to Benja and Corran. "Who does Piett think he is, anyway?" said a voice masked by a stormtooper comlink. "The clone of the former fleet commander, that's who." answered a dignified burly voice. "Since you're also a clone..." "Ah, to Xim with it." said voice one. "You get to fly TIEs, all my clones do are stand around in these miserable suits that smell like a Hutt's butt." "He's in charge, Fiindy." "I'll be glad when the rest wake up and we can leave this slimy rock." The smell of a cigarra floated by. "This is nothing compared to Tatooine, so be happy." "Well, I go on duty in five minutes, see you at mess tonight." "Where are your rounds today?" "I have to do the haunted patrol." said the first voice. "Down to the vaults, then into the old wing." "Hmm. Well, Emperor be with you." There were no other sounds and Jek glanced back. "Fiindy?" "I recognize that name." said Corran. "He was a stormtrooper who helped bust that last cell of Jedi on Adooine back after Derra IV." "They said down to the vaults..." Jek thought. "Let's ditch the pipe routine. Let's go down in style." "I read you." said Corran. He popped open a grill, and they jumped down. Benja breathed the cool air in deep, then turned to Jek. "Do you still have it?" "Maybe." replied Jek, performing a sensor check of the corridor. "Jek, give it to me." Jek reached into his robe again, producing another lightsaber. "What's that?" asked Corran. "It was my master's lightsaber. After he died, I took it and kept it on the Loyal. On occasion-" Jek glanced at Benja, letting the words sink in. "-On occasion, I have let her use it to cover my back. She's actually quite good at it." "Any force power?" "No." said Benja. "I'm picking up the residuals of those two Imperials, heading to that turbolift." said Jek, pointing to the lift at the end of the hall. Corran stepped in front of the keypad, when Benja stepped forward. "Allow me." she typed in a hurried code, then read the display, then typed in another. The turbolift door slipped open. "How'd you do that?" asked Corran. "You'll never know." said Benja. They got into the turbolift. Jek looked at the keypad inside. "I can sense two different buttons pressed recently." said Corran. "Level 43, and level 71." Jek pushed 71. "It would make sense to put the Clone Vaults very low, wouldn't it?." "To survive the blasts that Zsinj hit with? Definitely." The lift moved down quickly, towards their fate. CHAPTER 17: "Five minutes to the deadline." said Mollon. "What shall we do?" "We'll wait for the Clone Remnants a little longer-" Furlong was cut off as an officer rushed up. "News from our sentries!" siad the officer breathlessly. "The Clone Remnants were completely obliterated at Zinnda 5-9 three hours ago- Nucusca Raiders and Shadow Bandits ambushed them there!" Furlong was silent a moment. "Colonel?" asked Mollon, uncertainly. Furlong stayed silent, looking out to the darkness of the cloak shield. He stood, and walked over to the Starfighter Chief. "Launch the cloakers and transmit the all ready signal. Ready the TIEs to lauch. On my mark, prepare to decloak." "Aye." Mollon stepped forward. "When is the rest of the fleet scheduled to arrive?" "What fleet?" asked Furlong. "Our fleet, sir." said Mollon. Furlong sighed. "We have no fleet. I had half the force guarding the Clone Remnants. What's left has gone deeper into our territory, to Dil'a'ldon." "You expect us to defeat all those battlecruisers with only this one ship?" "Not all these ships will fight US, captain." said Furlong. "I have deals with the Red Syndicate as well as the Kiruun Conglomerate. And the Shadow Fleet will not be staying long..." "Sir, the signal has been transmitted." said the CommChief. "Launch all TIEs. Helm, random vectors. Lock in predictors from the scout's sensor data." said Furlong. "Aye." "Alpha, launch. Delta, lauch. Mu, launch. Iron Hand, launch. Crimson, launch," droned the starfighter chief. "Heavy Hand, launch. Lightning, launch. Assault Transports Zifdon, launch. Dragon flight, launch. All squadrons launched." "Executing random vectors, IDIC interpretation." "Predictors firings, thirty shots a second. No damage infomation as yet." "Deadline is marked." said Mollon over the din. "Decloak, full shields, fire all weapons, continue IDIC vectors." shouted Furlong. He looked out the screen, watching the chaos erupt. "So it will begin." he whispered. * * * * "Sir, new object contacts! One victory class star destroyer, mark IV! Over one hundred IMperial fighters, Yoda/Yaddle variation!" Wedge stood quickly. "The Imperial Remnant. Launch all fighters, bring all weapons up!" "Evasive manuevers!" complimented Yutir. "Green group, stick close to holding sector!" Wedge watched the pinpoints of light move away from the cruiser. "I wish I was on one of those right now." "You're not," said Luke. "Concentrate on the present." "Right. Get the Bothans on the line, and CorSec. We need some friends!" "Roger." "Sir, the Red Syndicate ships and the Yutir Conglomerates are attacking our forces! The Shadow Fleet and the CSA is staying out of it for now." said the sensor captain. "Tell Tycho to go after those TIE Defenders and Missile Boats." said Wedge. "I want Trinity and Polearm to go after the bombers, espescially those Scimitars!" "Yes sir!" "I hope the fleet gets here soon." said Wedge. "It could help." said Luke He stood up from his seat at the observer station. "I think I'll use your X-wing now, Wedge." * * * * Giu Piett stood on the Command Dias at the Control Tower, gripping his swagger stick tightly. He didn't know why he liked the stick; the original Piett hadn't ever used one, he knew. But that was beside the point. "Have all of our squadrons launched?" asked Piett. "Yes, Admiral. The particle shield has been lowered, but the ray shield remains, as ordered. Anti-penetration guns in place and ready." "Good. Ask Commander Fel to attack only Rebel ships, no others." CHAPTER 18: Luke opened the s-foils on Wedges X-wing, and sighed. It had been many years since he'd done combat. "This is Rogue 11, reporting in." "Eleven?" Tycho Celchu's voice asked. That wasn't Wedge- Corran was gone... "Identify yourself." "Tycho, this is Luke Skywalker." "Luke! Good of you to fly with us. I turn command over to you." "I don't think-" Luke stopped. What was it Yoda had once said? Nothing ever comes again. Do not make a mistake the first time. "Sure." He dodged the wreckage of a Ssi-Ruuvi droid-fighter. "Everybody, listen to Skywalker- he's lead." "Delighted." said Ooryl. "Rogue Leader here; form up in Senesca pattern four. We're going to take on one of those Sydicate Thrustships." "Copy." Another X-wing dropped beside his. "This is Mirax. Mind if I join the party?" Luke smiled. "You're my wing, Rogue 12." "Lead, may I have 12 as a wingperson?" asked Ooryl. Luke had forgot- Gand had bonds like Wookie honor vows. Ooryl seemed to have one with Corran HOrn's family. "Go ahead, 7." "Thank you." "Cover me, Five." said Luke, targeting the thrustship's weakspot. He always regretted not having a chance to fight in the Yvethan incident. Now he could try out one of those T-types. He fired several torpedoes, then provided a layer of cover fire for Lieutenant Zyall. "Rogue, Polearm, A-wing slash, Cracken deviation." came Wdge's garbled voice. "Copy." said Luke, leaving the crippled thrustship behind. "Rogue group, third parade formation, level 10 - Wedge did teach you that?" "Of course." said Tycho. "This is Polearm Lead. Tuke here. We're right behind you, Rogue squadron." "Copy." said Luke. "We're going in full throttle." "At that range, will we be able to pull up in time?" asked Tycho. "I don't want to be a smear on that SD's deflection grid." "Don't worry," said Luke with a wave of nostalgia. "It'll be like Beggar's Canyon back home." "You hear that, Gav?" commented a Bothan. "Gavin Darklighter?" asked Luke. "Yes sir?" "Let's show them how Tatooinees fight, shall we?" said Luke. "Yes sir!" They descended upon the Star Duece- but something wasn't right. Suddenlt, Scimitar Assault bombers poured forward, from all fronts, firing their lasers in a fury of light and overwhelming Luke's control board. Wedge's Astro-Comp squealed. "Wait a second, pull up!" yelled Luke. "They're expecting it! Pull up!" Zyall's x-wing exploded, as two proton torpedoes hit the Rodians tiny ship. Her ejection seat failed to deploy. "Negative, negative!" shouted Polearm leader. We're gonna jam these eggs down their throat or die trying! Polearms, fire!" Eighteen 'egg' bombs hurtled towards the star destroyer, buckling it's shields. It hurriedly limped away, as the battle raged on... * * * * "Last stop." said Corran, drawing his blaster as the lift doors opened, revealing a darkened hall. "Wonderful decor." commented Benja sarcasticly. "Not much, is it?" Jek took out a glowrod, and inspected what looked like a control panel. "There we go." the lights flickered on, and there was a flash of light; everyone hit the deck. It was the stormtooper from the conversation, firing his E-11 blaster rifle at random spots. Jek nodded at Corran, who started laying down a cover fire, as did Benja. Jek snuck up behind the stormy, hitting him with a stun blast. The stormy fell, and Jek reholstered his blaster. Corran took the helmet off. "I was right; I recognize this guy's face from the Tri-Vid. Definitely Fiindy. I guess your thoery was right, Veroon." "Yeah." sighed Jek. "I would rather it hadn't been." Corran found another door, and went to open it. "Wait." said Jek. "You feel that?" "It's probably ysalmiri." said Corran. "No, I've been on Mrkyr before. This is dark." Corran shook his head, and opened the door. Inside, in the darkness, four lightsabers lit up; Red, Green, Orange, Purple. "Welcome, Jedi. We have been expecting you." the clone of Luke Skywalker stepped forward, face illuminated by his lightsaber. The door closed behind them. * * * * "Sir, the Shadowers are joining the fight!" sang/yelled Z'kin. Wedge turned. "Who are they attacking?" "Everyone!" shrilled Z'kin. "What about the CSA?" "The Espo fleet is attempting to land with those Marauder corvettes of theirs. Several have already been destroyed by anti-craft gunfire." said Captain Yutir. "Sir, enemy ships in sector seven! More Shadowers!" Wedge rushed forward. "Order all starfighters to perform a Talon strike, Delta one, Polearm in the front." "Aye!" The starfighters could be seen pulling away, performing the difficult maneuver. "All NR allied capital ships, set yourself in a crowbar descent, on that largest Raxor Destroyer." Wedge punched a code into the comm terminal. "Are you planning suicide?" yelled a Bothan's shrill voice. "We are with you," answered a Noghri. "Execute now, please." said Wedge. The ships formed in a long line, traveling at full speed towards the largest Raxor destroyer. Each cruiser fired one one spot, then pulled away, while the next one repeated. "Direct hit, General. It's falling towards the planet." said a sensor officer. "Sir, new ships in sector 12! It's the Fifth Fleet!" "This is Admiral A'baht, Fifth Fleet commander. Do you need assistance, by any chance?" "A'baht! What are you doing here? No, go home." said Wedge sarcastically. "Corellians. Can't stand a good chance of winning, can you?" said A'baht coolly. He spoke away from the comlink. "Send the Penetrator force to Sector 4, to fight those Red Syndicate destroyers." "Continue crowbar attack." said Wedge. "Random evasions." "Good to see you alive, General." said A'baht. "I'll take command now, if you please." "Of course! I now turn all New Republic forces over to you." "Thank you. Let's make some blood, shall we?" said A'baht. CHAPTER 19: Jek threw off his robe, revealing the shining cortosis fiber. Corran did the same, while Benja activated her Personal Shield. "I see you have come prepared." said Skyywalker, stepping forward. "More than you can know." said Jek. He pressed a button, and his lightsaber slashed out from both sides, leaving the handle in the middle. "Jaytagg!" yelled Mace Wiindu, attacking Benja. Benja was able to block most of the attacks. Then Mara Jaade and Leia Orggana attacked Jek. He blocked the hits with the specially modified lightsaber he'd built. He spun around in time to block a hit from Skyywalker, then spun around again, blocking a parry on the part of Jaade, and throwing Skyywalker away with the force. "You're suppossed to be fighting Luke's clone!" grunted Jek to Corran. "I know." he said back, parrying Skyywalker shifted in his balance, striking at Corran as hard as he could Corran deflected it, but then felt himself thrown to the ground. Skyywalker stood over him, ready to make the kill. "Horn!" shouted Jek. Corran payed it no mind. The blade hit him, near the shoulder, only partially hitting the cortosis. But Corran reached deep within the Force, and sucked the lightsaber's power dry. "What?" said Skyywalker, before being stabbed by Corran right at the heart. Corran collapsed as Skyywalker's corpse fell on top of him. Then the